Customize the UI and content of the calendar
The calendar can be customized by passing an Options
object to the paint()
method on the calendar instance.
const cal = new CalHeatmap();
cal.paint(options?: Options): Promise<unknown>;
type Options = {
itemSelector: Element | string,
range: number,
domain: DomainOptions,
subDomain: SubDomainOptions,
verticalOrientation: boolean,
date: DateOptions,
data: DataOptions,
label: LabelOptions,
animationDuration: number,
scale: ScaleOptions,
theme: 'light' | 'dark',
📄️ itemSelector
Specify where the calendar should be rendered
📄️ range
Specify the number of domains to show
🗃️ domain
1 items
📄️ subDomain
Specify all options related to the subDomain configuration
📄️ date
Specify the calendar's time boundaries and settings
📄️ data
Specify how to fetch and process the data used to fill the calendar
📄️ verticalOrientation
Whether the domains should be arranged on top of each other, or side by side.
📄️ scale
Control how your data are represented on the heatmap
📄️ animationDuration
Control the duration of the various animations
📄️ theme
Toggle between light and dark mode
Throughout the documentation, you will see block like the following
These are live editor: you can edit the code inline, and see the result in live.
Use them to test settings, and see what happen.