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Cal-heatmap can be customized further with the help of plugins.

A plugin is setup within a paint() call.

interface PluginOptions {}
// IPluginContructor is the plugin's class
type PluginDefinition = [IPluginContructor, PluginOptions?];

const cal = new CalHeatmap();
cal.paint(options: Options, plugins?: PluginDefinition[] | PluginDefinition),

Core plugins

Below are the built-in plugins shipped with Cal-Heatmap

These plugins are not included in the main bundled, and have to be loaded separatly, alongside their dependencies. See each plugin documentation for details.


const cal = new CalHeatmap();
cal.paint({}, [[Legend], [Tooltip, { text: t => `${new Date(t)}` }]]);

Write your own plugins

Docs coming soon